White Camino are a UK registered marketing agency. We employ people in the UK and Spain and work with a predominantly UK and Spanish, service based, supply chain of suppliers.
In accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 White Camino has taken measures to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chain.
White Camino takes a zero tolerance approach to slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, or human trafficking, within our own organisation or within our supply chain.
All White Camino staff, and particularly those involved in recruitment, procurement or supply chain management, exercise diligence and judgement to ensure that the risk of non-compliance with the Modern Slavery Act is minimised.
White Camino’s Code of Conduct is part of the mandatory induction process and includes guidance on Modern Slavery, and how all staff can raise concerns.
We perform due diligence to consider whether a supplier is based in or has activities in a country where there is a high risk of slavery, and gain assurance that slavery is not taking place.
We have implemented standard supplier contract wording on Modern Slavery, which includes audit rights.
Our anti – Modern Slavery policy and procedures will be subject to regular review and revision, reflecting the evolving business and supply chain and to ensure that they are fit for purpose.