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18 dic 20243 Min. de lectura
Reasons to be cheerful
Without getting too slushy on you, our founder Melissa Fretwell set up White Camino as an agency that endeavours to do great work that...
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22 oct 20245 Min. de lectura
The rough guide to startup life
We’ve gathered a snapshot of the highs and lows of female founder journeys so far to inspire, share and keep it real.
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5 sept 20245 Min. de lectura
Three surprising differences between charity and commercial marketing
If you’re a commercial marketer looking to partner with a brilliant cause or a charity leader looking for marketing support this is for you
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15 jul 20241 Min. de lectura
Co-creative leadership: discover your new superpower
Why creativity is fundamental to leadership excellence. We unpack the creative mindset, the role of trust and ask life's important questions
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24 jun 20246 Min. de lectura
Marketing analytics: the story behind the stats
Our brains like searching for patterns and solving puzzles, surely marketing analytics should be a joyful experience? In reality, we are...
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13 may 20248 Min. de lectura
Digital innovation the sustainable way
Ever wondered how on earth to innovate sustainably? How do we ensure the digital solutions we come up with deliver a positive impact for...
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29 feb 20246 Min. de lectura
Back to basics: why and how to use email marketing
Email marketing is retro. It has been around since the late seventies which may be older than some of our readers. It has become a comms...
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18 dic 20235 Min. de lectura
Ways to be a force for good
As 2023 comes to a close we’re thinking about what 2024 may bring and as we like to accentuate the positive, debunk the odd marketing...
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17 nov 20236 Min. de lectura
Make the flamingo bigger
Barney Worfolk Smith the MD of DAIVID caught up with White Camino’s founder Melissa Fretwell to chat all things creative effectiveness...
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1 nov 20236 Min. de lectura
Fashioning sustainable stories
The principles of sustainable brand communication, which are geared towards fashion brands here but can be applied to anything.
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3 jul 20235 Min. de lectura
Flying the flag for people, planet and purpose
White Camino’s founder Melissa Fretwell caught up with fellow founder and newly qualified skipper, Tim Hughes at The Brief Doctor to chew...
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15 may 20234 Min. de lectura
Taking the heat out of burnout
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week in case you didn’t already know. The World Health Organisation recognises burnout as an...
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25 abr 20234 Min. de lectura
TikTok - is this the final countdown?
TikTok continues to be the social media hot potato, where will it be banned next? Only briefly overshadowed by Twitter’s dive bomb into...
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14 mar 20233 Min. de lectura
"AI: More Than Just a Tool, It's Your New Best Friend" - headline generated by AI
While Nick Cave was more than scathing of ChatGPTs ability to write a song in his own inimitable style, we thought it would be...
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19 dic 20224 Min. de lectura
Wrapping up 2022 - the good, the bad and the useful
As we pause for breath after inhaling another all butter mince pie/purple quality street/dry roasted nut, rose tinted specs are off to...
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29 jul 20225 Min. de lectura
The perfect problem and how to fix it
Our founder Melissa Fretwell got chatting to mentee and all round marketing hot shot Abena Dadey about how perfectionism lives in an...
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29 may 20225 Min. de lectura
Risky business - why we need to push the boundaries and ride that roller coaster
Risk in business is a wild and complex beast. We know we have to tame it and live together somehow. We want to take risks when developing...
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15 mar 20224 Min. de lectura
Adventures in research
Discover how research can take your charity or NGO into unexplored territory. We like nothing better than working with brands that exist...
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12 ene 20225 Min. de lectura
How to go green to combat code red
“Don't it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”. Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi came out over fifty...
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22 nov 20213 Min. de lectura
Choose Royalcore content that’s been viewed 180 million times on TikTok. Choose the number one hit at the top of the charts. Choose...
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